ShowCars and Prototypes

Significant Programmes.....

Labyrinth is currently working with to OEM's to  develop a new programme in engineering markets. Details are too  confidential to publish

Selected to work in conjunction with the newly formed MG X80 design team. MG X80 Ltd was created as a separate company to MG Rover in Longbridge to facilitate the development of MG's first  Super Car.

Over the last 15 years, Labyrinth Developments has developed a series of network partnerships. For the MG X80  programme Labyrinth worked in conjunction with expert leather and trimming  specialists Anderson & Ryan. The partnership established a turnkey  solution for MG X80 Ltd.

Labyrinth's task was to design, develop and  engineer a complete interior package. It was achieved by working in  close contact with MG X80 Ltd and world-renowned stylists Peter Stevens  and Harris Mann. Due to the strict timing and budgetary requirements the programme was intense.

Labyrinth established and monitored all human  resource, product tooling and final component cost models. All budgets  were agreed with MG X80 Ltd and on delivery, product tooling was within  10% of original target, design resource was within 25% of original  target. Complete package handover occurred in June 2003.

MG X80 are now in the process of producing  early vehicles for press and release to the public. Labyrinth has  maintained a close contact with MG X80 Ltd should any further input be  required.

Labyrinth can now provide a complete system of programme management, concept design development and production  design detail. Labyrinth are currently in negotiations with niche market, OEM  automotive and product design companies. This encompasses clients both  in the UK and Italy.


MG logo
Mock Up Interior for Birmingham Motor Show 202

With grateful thanks to Bentley, Lamborghini,  Nissan, VW Group and Volvo Trucks for their help illustrating the work  carried out by Labyrinth Developments. Every attempt has be made to ensure copyright has not been infringed; any errors that may have  occurred are inadvertent. © Labyrinth Developments 201, Registered in England no. 2470951